Two Step Sparring (Ibo Matsogi)

A. Offense: L-Stance guarding block.
B. Defense: After offense has taken position, move the left foot into parallel ready stance until attacked by offence.


A. Right walking stance, right middle section punch; then low section front snap kick stepping down into a walking stance low wedging block.
B. Left walking stance, left palm hooking block; then right walking stance, low section outer forearm block; counter with right (front) foot side piercing     kick, stepping down to a right walking stance while performing a left reverse upset punch to the middle section.
A. Right walking stance, right knifehand inward strike; then middle section side piercing kick.
B. Right L-stance with left downard palm block; left L-stance high section outer forearm side block; counter with front (right) leg middle turning kick         stepping down feet together and then high turning side piercing kick.
A. Right walking stance, right straight fingertip thrust; then left high section turning kick stepping down to an outer forearm guarding block.
B. Right L-stance with left downward palm block; left L-stance high section outer forearm side block; counter with front (right) leg middle turning kick       stepping down feet together and then high turning side piercing kick.
A. Right walking stance, right high punch; then jumping front snap kick stepping down to an outer forearm guarding block.
B. Rigt L-stance, left high section knifehand rising block; then shuffle back (same stance); counter with a 360 degree right reverse hook kick.
A. Left L-stance, right high section punch; then middle section jumping side piercing kick with the front foot; landing in an L-stance guarding block.
B. Right L-stance, high section X-fist rising block; then jumping back while changing stance to a left L-stance, executing a right waist block; counter         with a middle section front (right) leg jumping side piercing kick landing in an L-stance guarding block.
A. Right walking stance, twin vertical punch; then right leg jumping turning kick stepping down to an outer forearm guarding block.
B. Left walking stance, outer forearm high section wedging block; then left L-stance high section outer forearm twin vertical block; counter with side         front snap kick with the right leg stamping down into a twin upset punch in a right walking stance.
A. Right walking stance, right high section punch, then move the left foot forward in a clockwise direction, and then perform a 180 reverse hooking kick     with the right leg
B. Right L-stance, high outer forearm guarding block, then stepping back with the front foot in a clockwise direction, and counter with a front (right) leg     side kick stepping down to an outer forearm guarding block.
A. Right walking stance, right hand flat fingertip thrust, and then left high hooking kick, landing in an L-stance guarding block.
B. Right L-stance, high knifehand guarding block, then step back to a left L-stance with right high outer forearm inward block, counter with a middle         turning kick with the front leg and then step down with a highright elbow strike to the chin.
2025  Dragan Caoin Taekwondo